From this place we shall emerge, you and I, into the world. We shall set forth upon a journey of discovery together and shall be full of wonder. From this door way we shall pass into the light of knowledge. All things becoming sacred.
Take my hand, I will guide you in our search for all things lost, for reason, for love, for bottle caps, hair clips and chewing gum. And as we step upon this earth, as if for the first time, with tender feet, so too another couple, and another, and yet another, emerges from similar gate ways. In each pair we find one to lead and one to be led; the call and the response.
And in choreographic chords we ring forth the peals of our limbs, striking out with assured vigour to interrogate the very ground beneath us. To investigate, question and debate. Pairs all, performer and public, you in all of your truth and I full of doubts. Each pair to move in synchronistic design, to cross and counter cross each other pair, to discover, to learn, to be bourne aloft in a fountain of zeal. And once the gushing waters splash back to the cobbles, all couples acquiesce, submit to the passage of time, bow to the certainty of our own ends and return from whence we came, through the opening, in understanding and joy, or confusion and turmoil. Back through the gap in our hedge, the hole in the skirting boards, the tear in our trousers.
But wait!!! The moment already passed shall pass again as further adventurers advance and with a clarion cry emerge, sweaty palms clutching a staff, a bonnet, a cape. Costumed in the view of delusion a further wave of duos set forth – one to lead, one to be led – in wonder and uncertainty, upon questing feet, ingrowing toenails and probably bunions. The Quadrille, the Eightsome reel, dancing to intertwine, intersect and interpret, finally to retreat, become consumed by the very vent which bore them.
And thusly shall the mechanism play, until it shall wear out or down and the flag lowered upon the mast, the lights extinguished and the false teeth rattle into their bed side glasses. We have become Transfigured, you and I, we are no longer what we were before. In this act of artistic union each has met and lost their other. Artist and public have become as one and in the moment reached an understanding and a shared pleasure in all things and in all people. The change, once made, can never be undone. And so join me, at this, the threshold, and travel out into a brave new world.